Here we wondering how modern evangelicalism so utterly lost its way, and became rampant with misogynistic and chauvinistic screeds, masquerading as conservative Christian values.
"Mind your own damn business, Peter!" (John 21:20-24) [A Guest Card Talk]
A naked boy running through Gethsemane (Mark 14:51-52)
Jesus being pissed off that you fell asleep (Matthew 26:36-46)
How to Read a Bible References OR “Who the #@#$ is 'John' and is his watch stuck at 3:16 or something?”
Trampling the Heads of the Poor into the Dust & Denying Justice to the Oppressed (Amos 2:7a) [A Card Talk on the Book of Amos]
Here we present some historical and textual context to from the book of Amos, and see it's message of social justice still (sadly) applies in the present. We ask what fire will fall in our lives if the acts of inhumanity to man continue to be perpetrated not just out there, but in here, within the community, within the household of faith?