Sadly, this Advent Card Talk is applicable every year...
Death by lion for not punching a prophet (1 Kings 20:35-36)
The Bible is an ancient text filled with stories that, on first (or second, or third) pass can seem very nasty, brutish, and short. But there is generally an underlying morality that makes perfect sense in an Ancient Near East context, and can still be applied today. Like “do what God tells you” and “don’t be a hypocrite!”
Altar Sex (Amos 2:8) [A Guest Card Talk]
“The closest I ever came to having sex was right after prayer.” For many young adults, this observation would serve as a catalyst for a more active prayer life, but for us pious young men at a Christian college, this advice from a graduating senior served as a warning. Intimacy is risky and dangerous and, if you’re not careful, you’ll end up in the wrong holy of holies.
The Bible’s Nastiest Verse Answers Your Classic White-Person Question [A Guest Card Talk]
Jesus looking for a fight (Mark 11:11) -The Two Palm Sundays
The writing on the wall (Daniel 5:27)
Perhaps you should take stock of your complicity in the oppression of others, despite your many reasons for saying you’re not a racist - sexist -homophobe - transphobe - ageist - ableist - elitist - [insert other assholery] because of [insert the ‘close personal friend/relative’ (who really isn’t)].