Absalom knew that lighting shit on fire is appropriate when attempting to catch the attention of an unjust system. Thus, Amnon, King David, and their "boys will be boys" bullshit attitude, got exactly what they deserved.
Red stuff: Eat it! (Genesis 25:30) - A Thanksgiving Reminder
A rainbow promising that God can genocide you through other means (Genesis 9:13)
Breaking your enemy's teeth, dissolving them like snail slime, aborting them like fetuses, & washing your feet in their blood. On Biblical Schadenfreude [A four for one Card Talk on Psalm 58 ]
Lusting After Lovers with Donkey Genitals and Horse Emission (Ezekiel 23:20) and Ezekiel’s Obsession with Pornographic Metaphors
Perhaps we should remember the women in the room when Ezekiel first uttered these words. They had been forcibly marched from their homes. They had watched their families die. Some had been raped by the Babylonians. How did they feel? Perhaps we should remember the women who read these texts today, the women in our churches and homes, whose current situations are not too dissimilar to the women in exile by the rivers of Babylon. They have enough reasons to weep.
Unbridled Horniness (Most of Song of Solomon) [A Guest Card Talk]
“What the Bible is rather silent on is sexual relationships between two unmarried but committed and consenting people. Except in Song of Solomon. Here, we have a love story in its many facets. There is no judgement and no condemnation. And no guarantee of marriage. And we don’t know what to do with it. And that’s a tragedy.”
“Following God’s commands not being that difficult” (Deuteronomy 30:11-14)
Jesus writing something in the sand (probably what type of an asshole you are)- John 8:1-11
Turning Fine Gold and Silver Jewelry into Gilded Dildos (Ezekiel 16:17) Or the Trouble with Prudish Translations
Ezekiel (misogynistically) took the metaphor of Jerusalem as an unfaithful wife to the extreme. For Zeke, Jerusalem's dalliances with other nations was like her measuring her lover's dick, taking the gifts her husband gave her, making dildos out of them, and then cumming to that instead of the man in bed with her.